We’re off. First step towards the eco shed taken today. And it was all about levels.
The shed will run along a length of 7 metres, incorporating the existing garden office (need to find a home for that) and an aging pergola (need to find a home for that too) with garden in between. Both office and pergola have a concrete base, but no idea if they are at the same height or depth. Not to mention that the garden slopes very slightly. Nothing you notice, but I’m told it’s clearly there. So we needed surveyors to tell the architect about the lay of the land.
I’ve often wondered about those people who stand around the place, looking wise, with gadgets on tripods. Now I understand they are surveyors checking the level of the ground – amongst other things.
Surveyors to the rescue
Two young men arrived at 8.30am and were with us until 4.30pm – although part of that time was struggling with the GPS and internet failure. They spent time In the garden. Given that’s where the shed will be, that made total sense to me. They also spent time outside the front of the house on the road – which made no sense to me at all. I assume it’s about getting an overall plan of the levels around the house?
So I started exploring:
First learning – there is a difference between a land surveyor and the surveyor who looks at a house before you buy. Our guys were land surveyors with the task of determining the features and boundaries of a property. In this case, our back garden so we can work out how to build the shed.
Second learning – the gadget is a theodolite which measures vertical and horizontal angles between points. Together with ‘good old fashioned mathematics they create maps and measurements of the land’.
Certainly that was a start, but as soon as someone mentions mathematics, my mind turns to mush. Even my very determined maths teacher encouraged me to stop trying when I failed my O level exam. I’d clearly beaten him and somethings just have to be accepted in this life.
Next stop – design
The important thing is that they knew what they were doing and the information will mean our architect can start working on a design. At which point, this will all become much more real.
An image of the end result is just what I need to counteract my concerns about the trees we’ll have to lose, the cost and the awful thought of having builders around again. Am I crazy to do it all again? Probably. Just have to think of the solar and then it seems worthwhile.
One more step in creating our legacy for the next generation.