

About Judith

Judith Leary Joyce

The climate crisis scares me. It’s fundamental to our very existence and it matters to me – always has done. I’m really concerned about the future for my grandkids.

Enter a house extension. Oh no – the builders again! We’ve done it many times over 40+ years in the same house and I know from experience that it is long, expensive and very very messy. But this time was different. Now there was more at stake – we had the chance to do something of real value. Our home would become a legacy – something positive we could leave to the earth – a warm, comfortable house that required less energy and wasn’t filled with harsh materials that cost the earth in their manufacture.

Given that 14% of UK emissions come from leaky houses this was our chance to be part of the solution for a change. 

We decided to make our 1901 Victorian end of terrace an eco house – or as close as we could make it. People are interested in what we’ve done. They want to do the same and leave a legacy, but they don’t know where to start.

I wrote the Beginner’s Guide to Eco Renovation – the book we needed – to help others get their head around the challenge. And this blog is a continuation. I’ll keep sharing what I’ve learned. I’m hoping others will be up for telling their story so we can all benefit and make our homes better for everyone.

Find Out More

My book is available on Amazon.
You can download a sneak peek here